Three individuals have applied for the post of chairperson of the Film Development Board, Nepal. Film director Dinesh DC, actress Karishma Manandhar and cultural activist Rajesh Kumar Thapa have applied.
Rajesh Kumar Thapa, member secretary of the Film Development Board, informed that these three candidates applied for the post until the posting of this news.
According to him, the application deadline is tomorrow (Wednesday).
“Three applications have been received so far. Along with Dinesh DC, Karishma Manandhar and Rajesh Kumar Thapa have already applied. Since tomorrow is the deadline, other applications may also be submitted,” he said.
The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology on July 31 issued a notice seeking applications within 15 days. According to him, there is a possibility that the application will be submitted on the last day as in the past.
According to Thapa, the ministry will announce the schedule for presentation of action plan and interview, once the deadline is over.
The recommendation panel will, then, recommend the names of maximum three applicants, as per the provision. Based on the recommendation of the committee, the cabinet meeting will appoint one person as the chairman of the Board.
All these three applicants are associated with the sister organization of the ruling UML.