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Moving toward socialism in Nepali way

Yogesh Bhattarai

Yogesh Bhattarai

 |  Kathmandu

Nepal, as the resilient nation, has a rich history in struggle and sacrifice. As the global politics has been passing through drastic changes, Nepal’s international relations are changing accordingly. Nepal remains geo-strategically between the first and second populations of the world- China and India. China is speedily moving toward prosperity as the global power. We would like to take this opportunity as to work for prosperity and happiness for our people.

From the days of our anti-feudal movements to establishment of the Federal Democratic Republic and the subsequent peace process, our journey has been one of continuous fight against oppression, inequality, and exploitation. Today, we stand proud as a committed to the values of socialism that prioritize the welfare of Nepali people.

We believe that true development cannot be achieved by leaving behind the most vulnerable among us. Our commitment to socialism is a commitment to ensuring that every citizen, regardless of their caste, gender, or economic status, has the opportunity to live a life of dignity, equality and social justice. At this moment, I would like to recall the bilateral visits of the then President of Nepal Mrs. Bidhya Devi Bhandari and the President of China Xi Jinping as well as Prime Ministers of Nepal and high-level leaders of China. Not only our party but our country strongly believes on one China principle for very beginning. Nepal has signed on BRI in 2017 with the expectation of prosperity and development of Nepal. We are hopeful that we will get tangible benefit from BRI in coming days.

In today’s world, we are facing similar challenges posed by war, military spending, poverty, migration and climate change. The capitalist forces want war and tension globally. We have seen unnecessary tension in South China Sea, which is purely under Chinese jurisdiction. The case of Palestine, Syria, Ukraine and Middle East is an example that capitalist forces are imposing war. Responding these common challenges, we need to work together with commitment and proper policies for respective field. As we have been witnessing that the post-cold-war era is changing in global context and heading toward the multi-polarity. Dynamism of global shift is seen with rise of south which is welcoming and at the same time we need to work with the spirit of global south solidarity.

In the past, when socialism was criticized, it was said that it did not pay attention to the human side. Critics of socialism have said that socialism classified people as objects and analyzed society mathematically. That is why Marxism needs to pay special attention to human essence. Socialism cannot ignore the issue of human civilization. Fighting against exploitation and oppression is being talked about, as well as the human side and the issue of human civilization. This is exactly what socialism needs to improve. There is no alternative to socialism. Food, shelter and clothing are the main needs, but that alone is not enough for human. All human psychology is not only economically driven. Important thing is optimum happiness of the people. Improvement is needed in this area.

There is no alternative to socialism. Food, shelter and clothing are the main needs, but that alone is not enough for human. All human psychology is not only economically driven. Important thing is optimum happiness of the people. Improvement is needed in this area.

Cooperation among socialist countries is must. There are few socialist countries. Not all of them are financially and developmentally complete. Cooperation in such a situation is beneficial. Again, the main objective of socialism is the common development of all. Alone we will not get anywhere. Therefore, cooperation is essential. We have to enhance our solidarity and cooperation for socialism and to protect the human civilization and earth.

We cannot speak of socialism in Nepal without acknowledging the challenges we face. The legacy of centuries of feudalism, the scars of a decade-long conflict and violence and the pressures of a globalized economy, all pose significant obstacles. Yet, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation, for solidarity, and for building a model of development that is truly people-centered.

The Chinese model of socialism is successful one. We want to learn more from China. I would like to thank Chinese comrades for your great achievements under the leadership of CPC and President Xi.

One of the most pressing challenges we face today is the impact of climate change. As a country situated in the fragile Hind Kush Himalayan region, Nepal is acutely vulnerable to the effects of global warming. The melting of glaciers, rise of sea level and increasing frequency of natural disasters, flood, landslides, threaten to Himalayan diversity, earth and humanity. As Nepal is renowned for its stunning natural beauty often recognized as a ‘green zone’ approximately 44 percent of its land covered by forests. We believe that the global fight against climate change must be rooted in justice and ensuring the right to life for the poor and marginalized people.

In Nepal we are moving to address the socio-economic inequality accepting socialism-oriented constitution with the collective wisdom of major political parties. Our party CPN (UML) has developed principle of ‘People’s Multi-Party Democracy (PMPD)’ under the leadership of late Comrade Madan Bhandari. Under the guidance of PMPD we are moving toward the path of socialism in Nepali way through peaceful means. People’s Multi-Party Democracy is developed on Nepali practices and constructive experiments of Marxism in Nepali land. We want to achieve socialism through PMPD by peaceful process and strong people support. It’s revolution of Nepali model and characteristics of new era.

Our fundamental belief is to enhance the dignity of the nation by safeguarding sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and promoting economic wellbeing and prosperity of Nepal. To achieve these objectives, we’ll be following the principles of mutual respect for each other’s equality, cooperation for mutual benefit, non-alignment, Charter of United Nations and value of world peace.

Under the leadership the Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli to fulfill the national aspiration of ‘Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali’ with his mission statement regarding our foreign policy “Amity with all, and enmity with none”. With this great desire of peace and prosperity of Nepal, we look forward for support, cooperation and solidarity from all of our friends.

(Yogesh Bhattarai is the Secretary of CPN (UML and Member of Federal Parliament, Nepal)



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