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Intelligence or hard work?

Sujal Joshi

Sujal Joshi

 |  Kathmandu

(Photo: Getty Images)

What do you mean by intelligence? Intelligence is the ability to perceive information and apply said information in accordance with the environment.

Likewise, exerting more effort than normal in order to succeed to a greater extent is known as hard work. So, what do you think -- which one is more essential?

Henceforth, this blog will discuss the crucial subject of linking intelligence and hard work.

According to the Theory of Multiple Intelligence developed by Howard Gardner, a Harvard psychologist and former student of Erik Erikson, each person possesses at least eight intelligences. Among these eight a person typically excels in some and falters in others. The types are linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist intelligence.

Therefore, diverse variety of intelligence is required to perform a set of action and different types are important in different situations. A vast spectrum of wisdom is required to accomplish a set of tasks, and different types are significant in various contexts.

Although intellect is important in every aspect of life, hard effort is just as important. Because intelligence is knowing what to do and hard effort is executing it, they complement one another. Hard work is having an insatiable desire for more, treading on a path that never betrays and helps upgrade intelligence. It is the act of stumbling, getting back up again and correcting flaws.

David Goggins and Jack Ma are two well-known individuals who all value hard effort. Business tycoon Jack Ma, a multimillionaire from China, is no stranger to failure. He repeatedly failed at elementary, middle, and university levels. Even a position at KFC was turned down for him. But he persisted, and by his own hard work, he rose to fame and dominated the internet trade.

Similar to Jack Ma's story, David Goggins, the toughest athlete to date, considers that success requires not only superior intelligence but also severe discipline, tenacity, and dedication.

Even famous actor Will Smith quoted “I’ve never really viewed myself as particularly talented. Where I excel is ridiculous, sickening work ethic. You know, while the other guy’s sleeping, I’m working. While the other guys’ eating, I’m working.”


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