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50,000 security personnel will be mobilized across country during Dashain: DIG Kadayat (interview)

Security personnel will be doubled in Valley
Ujir Karki

Ujir Karki

 |  Kathmandu

Deputy Inspector General of Nepal Police and Spokesperson Kuber Kadayat. (Photo: Saroj Baizu)

Nepal Police has created a security plan and implemented it across the country in view of the festive seasons.

Police spokesperson Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) Kuber Kadayat said that the security plan has been implemented targeting Dashain, Tihar, Nepal Sambat and Chhath.

Police will increase surveillance through foot patrol, mobile patrol, cordon, plainclothes police, picketing, striking, reserve, CCTV, walk-through gate, drone.

Similarly, keeping in mind the traffic that happens during the festival, the police have also made plans and implemented them in traffic management and disaster management.

Police surveillance has been increased in banks, financial institutions, and places where cash and precious jewelry are traded.

In view the safety of the passengers, a passenger assistance room with traffic police has been established, and at the main checkpoints, checks will be carried out by dogs trained by the canine office.

Nepalkhabar had a conversation with the Central Spokesperson of Nepal Police, DIG Kadayat, about the security challenges and police plans during the festival. Excerpts:

What are the main security challenges during the festive season?
Now officially Dashain has started. There are two to three challenges in the festival. Incidents of theft and robbery are on the rise. Vehicle accidents have also increased. There are more complaints from passengers, about tickets and vehicles. There are also complaints that passengers are forced to travel on the roof of the bus.

At this time, many travelers leave Kathmandu to celebrate Dashain.What is the Nepal police, especially the traffic police, doing to bring them home safely?
Around 20 to 25 thousand passengers go back to their houses on a daily basis. We estimate that 2 to 2.5 million people will go out of the Kathmandu Valley during Dashain. The traffic police have set up passenger assistance help desks in 14 places in the Valley. The police have operated citizen help desks in 31 places. We have mobilized police in plain clothes so that the passengers are not cheated and also facilitated at the ticket counter.

The traffic police are also coordinating with the transport entrepreneurs. There will be more transport management issues. We are working on how to make travel safe, comfortable, and reliable. Another thing is that we have conducted a program called One Minute of Traffic with Passengers at the checkpoints and other places as well. We try to make the passengers aware of their responsibilities. We ask if you have been scammed. We warn you if there are more passengers than the capacity. We warn you that the over speed of the bus may cause an accident while traveling. Two drivers are mandatory for long-route vehicles. We monitor to make sure the driver or co-driver is not drunk while driving.

Major accidents had also occurred during the festival in previous years. Has anything been done with that in mind?
The road department and other agencies of the Nepal government are engaged in road maintenance work. We have also asked the transport entrepreneurs to do maintenance to the old vehicles on time. We have implemented a time card because accidents happen when speeding. We have made two drivers mandatory for long route vehicles.

Nowadays, many people vacate their houses and go to the village to celebrate the festival, they go outside the valley. What will the police do to protect their property?
We will increase police patrols across the country including the Kathmandu Valley to ensure no incidents of thefts and robberies will happen. A many as 50,530 policemen are mobilized during the festival. We have mobilized around 12,000 policemen in the Kathmandu Valley alone. Plainclothes police will also be mobilized. We also monitor with CC cameras and drones. The police are also being mobilized on motorcycles if need be. We have doubled the number of security personnel in the Kathmandu Valley. Earlier it used to be around 6,000, but now around 12,000 are deployed.

At this time, outside security does not suffice. You have to protect people's houses, how do you do it?
Our request is that if it is possible, do not vacate the house. If you must go, ask a neighbor to keep watch. And let's inform the nearest police station in advance. If the police are informed in advance, they will increase the vigilance in the house.

Recently, there have been incidents of social and communal violence in different parts of the country. There was a situation where a curfew had to be imposed in some places. Is there any security plan in view of such areas and events?
We should celebrate this Dashain by coordinating with religious gurus, clubs, and social activists. We also fulfill our social responsibility. We are also aware of the security policies that we must implement regularly.

What are the other security challenges during the festive season?
During this period, incidents of theft, smuggling, artificial scarcity, and black marketing might increase. Drunken people make noise and many commit criminal activities. Taking such incidents into consideration, , the relevant agency may have to monitor and check things. The police are operating accordingly.

What should ordinary citizens do for safety?
Nepal Police is a community-based police. All criminal activities take place in the community. So the community has a very important role. Be it in crime control or investigation. All citizens are police officers. A crime-free society is our ultimate goal. So we have to go hand in hand. If any suspicious activity occurs in your community, please report it to the nearest police office or district administration office.


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